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The Unknown Known by Don Webb

Forward by Michael W. Ford


Path of the Heretic

Antinomianism - The Western Left Hand Path - The Adversary - Who the Hell is Satan? - Enter The Sufi


Æon 0f Iblīs

The Æon of Iblīs - ‘Azāzīl - Iblīs - Iblīs Šayṭān as the Prince of Darkness - Melek Ta’us

The Shamanism of Iblīs Šayṭān - Iblīs Šayṭān - The Heretical Antinomy Principle -The Greater Self - Wahm (The Imagination) - Shaitan Tribe - Secret Name of Iblīs Šayṭān


Kitab Bialzā'būq

Beelzebub - Azoth - Baphomet - Asmodeus - Pazuzu - Utarid (Mercury) – Nabu - The Horned God - Vual - Gremory - Şah Paimon - Desert Deities


Kitab SIN

Moon God & Goddess - Crescent Moon - Sîn (The Moon God) – Kaaba - Serpent of Arabia - Solve et Coagula - Cult of the Head - The Templars The Baptist and The Baphomet - Howlings of the Desert



Majiq and the Theater of the Mind - Sufi Majiq - Talismanic Majiq - Buduh the Arabic Magic Square - Oneiromancy - Inducing Dreams - Adherents of the Head (The Keffiyeh of Sîn) - The Speculum – Trātaka - The Bæytl - Creating the Eawayl Madkhal - Introduction to Ritual Work - Creating a Sigil in 6 Steps - Isolating Individual Consciousness - Phowa


Dirasat Al-Shayatin

Spiritual Agency - Envocation - Concepts of Reality – Djinn Jnoun: Moroccan Black Majiq - Demons of Solomon the King - The Prince of Princes

Eawa' fi Laylat Alsahra' (The Grimoires of Zaim A'zuzu)


KITAB ALEAWA´FI LAYLAT ALSAHRA “The Book of Howling in the Desert Night”

65,00 €Price
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