Wholly informed by academic sources and personally applied praxis, The Red Shepherd: Towards a New Image of Dumuzid includes relevant myths and mythopoetic lacunae texts; transliterated liturgical compositions written by the author; ritual texts inspired by historical source material.
Through this book, Samuel David invites you to enter into the presence of the god of both the living and the dead whose name and power are the breath of life which quickens the child in the womb; the eroticism of the virile lover; the psychopomp who leads ghosts in his train; the intercessor who takes the burden sickness and disease from his supplicants.
The Red Shepherd - Samuel David
Format: 5.25 x 8.25 inches (215.9 X 133.35 mm Portrait). 192 pages. Hardbound 100pts, Half-bound in ‘Rust’ Stone-Like Textured Material and Iridescent Weave Ivory-colored buckram bookcloth. Bronze foil blocking on rounded spine. Bronze & White foil stamping front cover. Carmine Red + Black interior, with Vermillion colored, textured Endpapers. Dark Brown Headband and Tailband. Fully Illustrated by Rowan E. Cassidy. Fine typography, design & layout by Joseph Uccello. Preface by ceremonial magician Alexander Eth, host of the Glitch Bottle podcast. Printed on Fedrigoni’s Freelife Kendo White 150gsm paper. Comes with a numbered tipped-in carton-plate signed by the Author.